2010-07-16 15:29:25 UTC
My name is Erin, I'm 16, and my family and I are vacationing in Ireland in a little less than a month.
I'm very interested in doing some riding while I'm over there. It will be only me going since the rest of my family don't ride. I have been in horseback riding for about 4 years now and I lease a horse named Sonny. I consider myself an experienced rider and I love to jump!
I have been looking at websites for riding facilities in Dublin and have found a few that offer treks? I'm not quite sure what they are seeing there is nothing called a trek where I am from but from what I can tell, I'm guessing they're like trail rides? Anyway, I'm looking for some more information!
Anything from what you suggest I would like to what facilities would be best would be appreciated!
Erin (: